Friday, June 11, 2010


So this week I've realized I'm really negative right now. I'm not so happy about that, which makes me even more negative about myself.  I know that there's positive sides to everything, but goodness sometimes it's just hard to look at it that way.  I think I really just take life too seriously sometimes. My new "assistant" is helping me laugh more; sometimes I think that's all we do at the office. 
We have this guy in the office who's an atheist and so whenever he does something annoying she started saying, "You know why? because he's an atheist." To things that obviously have nothing to do with that, but even still.  Like yesterday. He started in on how women are not emotional; they're illogical and irrational. Now mind you he's talking to two women. It wasn't the day I really needed it, because earlier my boss queried me on why I bought a box of rubberbands. Seriously. Not sure what that was all about, but I'm laughing and annoyed by it. So back to the atheist.  I told him he might want to stop at that point because it wasn't a day I wanted hear it. Normal guys would stop, but he didn't. I said I don't like generalizations. His response? "Schizophrenics don't like generalizations either, but they fit the generalizations." SERIOUSLY!?!?! My assistant then said something about all guys being stupid. He still kept going on about women.  He finally got diverted, but seriously it's because he's an atheist that he's so stupid.
You know he's going as a crucified Jesus to a costume party tonight? Bloody hands and all. Seriously?! And showed me the picture of how he's done it before.  He likes to bring up things trying to get me mad sometimes like bringing up how he's been reading the Bible, apocryphal literature, and other noncanonical writings because he needs to know what he's fighting against. he brings up the bizarre stuff and tries to get me to be enraged about it. I don't bite, but then I got to thinking about it. Am I running from an opportunity to witness, plant a seed, etc?  I've always thought that since I don't react to his "nonsense" that I'm showing a different type of Christianity, but then again I could just be giving excuses.  I've got to spend some more time thinking about this one, but I would say he's really got no clue about so much. I just hope he gets a clue before he burns in hell. Seriously.

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