Thursday, August 5, 2010

Steven, Steven, Steven

I should have NEVER blogged about my fecal phobia. Because while we were visiting the Goodwins it happened. Steven was in his portacrib taking a nap and got into his dirty diaper.  It wasn't TOO bad, but it happened.  There was some smeared in his hair, the netting of the portacrib, and in his sheets.  But we survived and I can even laugh about it now.

Steven also climbed out of his crib in the middle of the night last week, but hasn't repeated it yet. 
He's also into EVERYTHING!!

He climbed onto the piano
 Today he even climbed up standing on the keys.
He chronically climbs on the kitchen table to walk on it.

Tonight he climbed into the old highchair we have in his play room.  He really thought he was something.

He has also opened the refrigerator.

He's really giving us a run for a money these days.  But he's also being obedient and listening to direction.  The other night I told him to go pick up his letters which where in the living room and he left the kitchen to go do it.  I wasn't even sure that he knew what "letters" were. 

I also took him to the library this week, which he thought was cool.  He was a little overwhlemed with the amount of books and has enjoyed his "choo, choo" movie we got.

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